Since codal life of majority of TRD assets is 40 years but complete rehabilitation could not be done even after 60 years of services due to quantum of work and scarcity of blocks due to heavy rise in train density after passage of time.
This situation may lead to quantum jump in failures and unmanageable situation if phasewise replacement could not done time to time.
OHE SCANNING is an exercise having practiced by undersigned to overcome such situations and withstanding the Traction Distribution system for further 15-20 years ie till such time all these assets are replaced with ZERO FAILURE track record.
Getting details of this OHE SCANNING drive alongwith photographs and methodology please submit your specific requirement under contact us.
As per ACTM Vol II Part I para 20102 the Contract demand for each sub-station should be stipulated in relation to the expected actual Maximum Demand in such a manner that in fructuous payments by way of minimum guarantee on the one hand and penal charges for exceeding the contract demand on the other, are avoided. Notice period for altering Contract Demand should also be kept as low as possible in the agreement, preferably 4 to 6 weeks.
However the optimal target of this exercise is to be taken energy bill at the minimum. Normally as per present scenario of complex billing situations having some fixed charges (Meter Rent etc), Semi fixed charges (Contract Demand charges), Flat rate charges (Energy Charges) the case of minor penalty on semi fixed charges optimized the traction bill as a whole minimum. A software in this regard has developed for computation of this optimal contract demand based upon which decision could be taken. Submit the specific query under contact us for further analysis.
In Traction Distribution system timely identification of location of earth fault is the biggest challenge before traction engineers.
SMI TI/IN/0024 provides us a better insight of the same as mentioned in para 4.2 and 6.1 for analysis of the same based upon mentioned parameters. However the SMI was framed in the year 2010 very next year of 2009 prior to that event recording of V, I, R, X, PA was either not configured or not standardized. However pre and post fault cycle downloading facility was facilitated through serial port for better analysis.
The general concern of detecting wrong fault distance has raised to the much extend now a days. It is worth to mention that data analysis of post fault details latched in the relay not only dictates exact fault distance but also convey the nature of fault like DJ not opened by driver, LA likely to fail, Bridging BM trouble, arcing fault, WPC, tree branch touching, bird fault, solid earth fault etc .
Complete analysis method could be obtained by submitting request on contact us.
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